[Chapter 2] Ouka Prefecture


Staff member

In that precise moment when Kirinji passed Kasami - had he payed close attention it would be as if someone else had passed him on the opposite side and blew at his ear just a bit. It could have been nothing - and the man very likely would have proceeded off to the Kaptain in the street, but for the briefest of moments it was there. Everyone else made their stop inside - sorting supplies and the like and while they did Ko remained behind after tossing Kirinji the scroll and took account of everything being sorted and the clean up afterwards - taking the spare grappling hook left behind by Misaho as well as his own supplies and the last on the off chance the remainders denied carrying their own. All the while when everyone else went out Ko stood there a moment with grappling hooks in hand and it was as if he was gazing at them in mischievous contemplation. Not helping but wonder what it would be like to use them as a conduit for his flames and dual wield the hooks as hellacious claws. It was an ironic thought really, thinking if the last person that Kirinji knew to be host to the bird, but one that regardless had naturally populated his mind. Once they sorted he too would walk out - hands in pockets looking around calmly at first till Kasami made mention at his eyes. His expression seemed cluelessly shocked, high-brow as he looked over at Misaho who he noticed from his peripheral onlooking as if to ask for clarification that this wasnt a joke or anything of the sort. Gripping his face with a repugnant expression as he drug his fingers down his face and pulled his eye lid open he couldn't help but think: 'Fuck, she decided to change my eye color too?' as he cleared his throat and replied: "Eh - old color was boring anyway I guess." trying to pay no mind to it as if he didnt have a concern or to deter everyone else from worrying of the matter. Their mind were to be on more important things. He'd a feeling that village had a story to it...a dark one that he really wasnt looking forward to. For some reason, he looked at the village and couldnt help but get the same feeling as if he was looking at Kagane again. His glance cast over to Kirinji, who by now had closed the gap between him and the Kappa.

He'd mentioned that they had been sent by Izanagi on a recovery mission. The captain looked at him - having kept his eye on their group the moment they had arrived here especially so after being informed of their particular form of identification. When Kirinji finally started to exchange dialogue with him, despite the expressionless visage of the armor-like scales on his face the Kappa was evidently in thought, scrutinizing him almost as if he had expected something else. He too - was trying to pull together information about the situation and gain a grasp on what happened - and just as his thoughts were aligning to ask if the dragon had sent them for a particular reason or information he beat him to the punch. Curiosity colliding. "I was just looking to ask you the same thing. Hate to disappoint you emissary of the Dragon, but I'm afraid we're as clueless as you." -he paused- "Perhaps. Not as clueless. I'am Toki Toki. The commanding officer here. Our forests have been plagued with screams, death, explosions and burning to such a degree that the Kappa could no longer stand by. Our first matter to attend to, was the youngest of the blaspheming sisters you had the displeasure of meeting. You see, she has been killing indiscriminately. Upsetting the peace of the forest. Spreading Black Hadou throughout and upsetting the harmony. We sensed a deep corruption in the forest and sought to remove her to remedy it. Though before you met us, we had meant to set up here and combine our efforts with the Senpu monks here in the village. Hm...but when we arrived - they were all either gone, or leaving for the Monastery. They seemed to be in some sort of trance - even so far as to leave behind their women and young. Fret not about them however, we've since moved them to our own village where they will ne cared for until we figure out what exactly is going on. For now? We hold this village as a bulkhead checkpoint to launch our attacks against the Spider-Witch and gather as much intel about the Senpu temple as possible. Which, if I know the Dragon - I would assume this recovery mission you speak of has something to do with whats going on at Senpu Monastery."

He took from the conversation and looked over at the map they had posted to the front stair-post of a near home beside him. The map that he had there was identical to the map that Kirinji would have found inside the deaddrop save for the fact that there were two spots that had been marked with red X's on the map. The map depicted the village they stood in at current, then - to the north was two paths. Going out the main gate to the north they would find themselves on a serpentine path upwards towards the
monastery. This lead to only one stop before getting to the main clearing leading to the monastery - and that was the Gate Temple just before that, leaving a good mile and half of hillside before getting to the monastery itself. One of the X's was at that gate temple, and the other was at the Monastery - however it hung off to the far left of the front entrance inside, high up and hugging the cliffside that met at that point where the monastery was built into. "We sent one of our best scouts up ahead. Making sure the path was clear. Originally we sent a team, however they were only able to get to this first stamp before things took an unpleasant turn. Leading up to the gate temple is clear but once beyond that point - the Senpu monks seem to be patrolling the area in trance. From what we have seen, they have met any outside force with extreme violence and refuse to even so much as acknowledge dialogue. We lost two of our three scout team up there. Once leaving the Gate Temple, you will be in their territory. However, our scout was able to carve a path to the west - and found an opening through which entry can be taken into the monastery on the second floor. If you want an advantage and quicker in to the monastery - that would be your best bet; though I will warn. I have yet to send any of my men in for good reason. Not only is the affairs of humans none of our concern, but there is no telling what you will encounter once in. At least from the entrance, you and yours will have distance to address and access what you're moving up against. Starting at the upper floor could put you in the thick of the unknown. We shall remain here but a while longer, to see how far our men against the likes of the Spider-witch in the forest- but if you have any questions for Toki-Toki you should ask now. Depending on their outcome we may have to return to the village for medical and resupply. But our wardings on the southern boundary of the village should keep her at bay regardless. Besides...I hear you all left enough of an impression, she'd not come running very soon."

As he said this, the few Kappa that had been there situated around the Captain seemed to be sorting themselves up for just that. A few coming from seated positions on the rooftops to stand and adjust their attire as if readying for travel and the others simply remaining there. He spoke curtly - and for the most part some may wonder why it would be that the leader of what could be perceived as an opposite or otherwise indifferent militant force would divulge such information in such an expeditious way without any offer to themselves, then it could be seen plain in who they were and the manner they were undeterred by presence of the group nor the spider-woman to the south that their convictions lie in something else entirely, and the matter of the Senpu monks and everything else was simply in their way. They had wanted to bring balance back to their forest and to their deduction at the current the Spider had been the primary cause for this disruption in the first place; they cared for nothing more then her death and the quicker and more accurate they provide this information and aid the group along their way - the quicker they can refocus and get back to exacting their adjudication. This would have given the group a lot to think on, and all the while as Kirinji was there speaking with him Ko was just standing a bit further back from the conversation down the road. He could hear them just fine from the position he was in at current, especially now - and he did not want to sacrifice being included in conversation for potentially making the grouping of Kappa feel imposed upon or worse. He tried to look about to make it plain that he wasnt simply minding them, and in that moment he caught movement out of the corner of his eye. Something black, trailed by a silver tail of some sort...but it seemed familiar in some kind of way. Soon - Ko would walk off from the group moving towards the north gate to the village around the houses that were blocking everyone elses view of where he was going. And once his form went out of their line of sight if one listened well enough they would hear the confused:

"You? I-....I guess I shouldnt be surprised but..."


Staff member
Kasami stood there a few moments longer after everyone had cleared out, looking around the room in thought. She'd catch up and take her items off the others in due time, but there was just something that wasn't sitting right with her. Things didn't add up often on their journey, it was commonplace, yet it still bothered her all the same. Her time of quiet was over before she knew it and she was turning to leave the tea shop behind everyone else. As she turned and raked her gaze across the children's drawings again, she noticed the centipedes. She stopped, half turned, and looked at them for a moment. She stared at them so hard that her skin started to crawl, from just a crude drawing, because she could easily imagine the way that it felt as one creeped across her skin. Her eyes tore from the paper as she continued to leave, shutting the door behind her, as she caught up to the rest of the team speaking with the captain. On her way to them she pulled the black haori on over her shoulders, glancing at Ko from the corner of her eyes with a slight smile. She was very grateful for the gift he had given her and was going to cherish it. It was the first thing he had given her. Well... besides a purpose, new ears and a new eye.

As Kasami joined her teammates around the captain she was able to hear the tail end of a sentence that implied there was something which needed removing from the forest, which she assumed he spoke of the arachnid. The next words to follow had grabbed at her attention, speaking of a trance that caused the Monks to just leave in some kind of trance-like state. For the briefest moment Daikokuten's face and his miasma flashed across her mind, but whereas it was similar- it was also different. Still, she couldn't rule out the possibility that it was him. They had to keep everything in mind if they were going to get to the bottom of this, and it was definitely something worthwhile to look into. The senpu monks seemed as if they were under some form of control, and from the sounds of it they got aggressive with anyone that passed the gate into their territory. Ko had gotten aggressive with them immediately. Different, yet not entirely. Perhaps the Senpu monks goals were just to protect their territory and that was why it took so long for them to get aggressive.

She stood at the back of the group of her team with her hand on her chin in thought, and in silence. It was odd of her to have no immediate reaction at the mention of women and the young children that the monks had left behind, almost to the point that if one hadn't looked at her it would be hard to tell if she was listening, but when he mentioned it she did look at him for a moment. Her silence was either because any concern she had would have been immediately quelled by his explanation that they were within the safety of their own village, or at that moment she just didn't care. Which for her and how she had been acting lately? Would have been incredibly odd. She even stayed out of the conversation and remained to her thoughts, allowing the others to take the lead. It was a lot like how she used to act, if those that knew her had met her before then. Reserved, only speaking when needed, and not forcing herself to express anything more than necessary. She was done overextending herself to her limits for sake of... whatever it was that had kept her on that path. It was tiring, and she missed the quiet. The ease that had come with thinking about things more critically before acting on them, and the peace that was silent support. How dumb had she looked until now? So blindly throwing her life away for people she had just met? She could still feel that way, she just had to do it the right way. She couldn't be a silly and naive girl anymore.

Kasami looked over her shoulder at Ko and saw him walking off on his own, and normally she wouldn't have been on him like that- he could handle himself but considering what was being discussed and he was wondering off alone- she wanted to follow him and be sure. The last thing any of them needed was for him to lose his wits after all of the changes he'd gone through lately. Especially with Rinnegan and a know how to use it- somehow. She didn't say anything and head out from the group speaking to the captain to regroup with Ko and make sure he was fine, or that he hadn't seen something that he was investigating himself. As aloof as he was being to the conversation, it was still an important one to listen in on, so she knew he wouldn't have just left to go take a stroll for no reason. As she made headway on closing the gap between them relatively fast at a sped up yet leisurely pace, she cleared her throat and clasped her hands behind her back. "Hey, where are you sneaking off to?"


As Kirinji made his way past the woman, he’d feel a subtle breeze blow at his ear prompting him to abruptly stop. The others would more than likely recognize this. There was abnormality to it. The breeze was centralized upon his ear and nowhere else on his body. There was no natural breeze present either thus his eyes rolled toward the corner as he stared into the area. There was no one there, but after having witnessed the black-armored Tengu come into fruition when he had believed they were originally not present—anything was possible and thus he was cautious. His sensory field was still up therefore he’d be able to feel any weight and disturbances upon the land. Whether or not someone was present, he’d continue forward to reading the scroll and eventually approaching the Captain of the Kappa.

Truthfully, there was a lot on his mind. There was quite a bit of information he had either received from someone else, read, or found. Unfortunately, not any of those instances fully grasped the concept of what they were fighting against. They had also come across another obstacle as the Senpu Monks had gone into a trance of some sort according to Captain Toki Toki. Kirinji hummed to himself in thought as the Captain spoke, pondering whether or not this was due to the Black Hadou that had been spread across the forest as he had said, or, did it have something to do with the Nirvana Fountainhead Waters. Kirinji did read that with prolonged exposure and consumption of the water the wildlife changed. This could extend to the monks themselves.

“I’m sure the Emissary of the Dragon..” it rolled off his tongue weirdly, he wasn’t used to calling Izanagi that but he adopted their language momentarily the best he could. “..will be thankful for your valiant bravery against the Spider. As well as the initiative to send scouts ahead to investigate the events occurring with the Senpu Monks.” He gestured at his teammates with an open hand as he continued to speak, “We for one greatly appreciate it. I apologize that the Spider is upsetting the peace of your home and I also apologize for my short-coming in not killing her myself” the man said in a slightly disappointed tone. At that moment he remembered something during their encounter. “But I have to ask. During the encounter, your men threw a few pieces of equipment, but I’m mostly interested in the bombs that dispersed a jade and purple color. I’m assuming one of them is Bitoku and the other I’m not sure of. What does that contain?” Kirinji had felt something peculiar about the technique of the spider. It didn’t necessarily use chakra, but something else entirely different. He would wait for the Captain to respond before he continued, Is it possible you could spare a set? They may be of use to us in the Monastery.”

As the Captain would speak about the areas they’ve scouted, Kirinji would glance over toward the map that the creature of speaking of, memorizing the red marks and the path he was speaking of. The blue-haired Uchiha couldn’t help but think of the note he had found alongside the gourd of liquid. From the note, Kirinji had hypothesized that Izanagi had been influenced by Shuten Doji in one way or another. Izanagi had used the same words when he suggested that Kirinji keeps the Bladed Thesis scrolls off his body, “Sharp little talons”. That was why he was here because he was being administered a treatment of Sacred Water in order to relieve him of such influence. But the gourd itself was full..had Izanagi not administered the water upon himself? Then an even worrisome thought came to the forefront of his thoughts, was it possible that Izanagi was still being influenced by the Demon? No, no. There were all possibilities, but a frightening fact remained that even Nobunaga Oda, the greatest Conquerer of Naraka, had not set foot into Ouka due to one of these factors.

“Thank you. I’ll have to discuss with the team the options you’ve given us.” He’d glance around at them. Two were missing it seemed, but he had already been aware of that. “The information you’ve provided has been very valuable. If you wish, you could call them back or we could relieve them of their duty once we get there.” The man had stopped talking as if he was done speaking, but soon after a question came to mind. “You said your men have seen the Senpu Monks patrolling the area. Have there been any reports specifically in regards to their mannerism from afar? I know they are hostile when they are approached, but that could be from them protecting their land. Has anything stuck out appearance-wise either? Anything odd really outside of what you’ve said so far.” As Kirinji waited for the Captain’s response he’d wonder if the gourd of liquid he had picked up would have to be used against the Senpu Monks.


New member
As everything was going on and the group began to head into the tea shop Eiji was pulled back for a moment by Imperious. This was something the group excluding Misaho would be used to as such they would probably ignore the spaced off Eiji who was inside his own mind having a conversation between himself and Imperious. Within his mind, Imperious went over everything that happened to start with when they left Mebu Castle to now. Eiji listened intently though he was sure there was more to this lecture than he knew, he just would not find out what until much later. Now Eiji snapped out of it as Kirinji came out to come and get himself and... Misaho who for some reason stayed behind with him when the others went into the tea shop.

Even though he was more than likely wrong, he assumed this was an act of kindness similar to how Sentou used to look after him. It was weird to Eiji and this caused him to rub the back of his neck as he was concerned she wasted her time, but when Kirinji came to get them he grabbed the supplies he was allotted. He still did not know why Izanagi wanted him on team 3 nor how he could be of any help at all. So far on the journey, everyone outside himself has displayed some form of amazing skills, some form of potential to aid the others, or some form of leadership; but what did he display so far? Nothing besides showing how little he knew and how little he was able to adapt to Naraka. This thought still bugged him though as he thought this Imperious who was by his side since the Kappa picked them up and placed a hand upon his shoulder in a scolding manner.

He looked back at the blank face of Imperious before releasing a soft sigh and running after Misaho who was now behind the rest of the group. As he caught up he would listen in from a distance to the conversation between Kirinji and the leader of these creatures TokiToki. The conversation was weird and disturbing to Eiji as it remind him a bit of the temple when they first got here. How only that Ikki guy was able to do anything while the rest of the group seemed unable to control themselves properly. Was this similar to what was going on with the monks? If it was, what help would their group be? Better yet what help would Eiji be? These questions continued to spread throughout his mind like a plague while two things that seemed more like stray thoughts or some form of ambition played in the deepest darkest corner of his mind, *We can puppet corpses into the place, they'd be fodder, we'd be safe. We can puppet something else. We should go back... We're not ready, that doctor guy seemed able to improve us through surgery why not ask him too? Ikki should do this he's stronger than us?* These thoughts began burning into his mind before one came to the forefront, one thought that seemed to break through showing that although he felt like a loner and alone, he felt a bond to someone, *What happened to Sentou? I hope he is safe.* When Kirinji went to glance around though he probably would not have seen Eiji by this point as during the end of the conversation he noticed Ko and Kasami wandering off Eiji wanting to keep an eye on them sent Imperious to fall at a relatively far distance while Eiji himself went back to the tea shop to sit alone and think of what they can do to overcome this situation or if this situation could even be overcome.




"Born to blossom, bloom to perish"-不幸の放浪者

Right at the time when she was in the building along with her two teammates who were in the middle of a conversation she caught on the shocked gaze Ko had when he looked her way when Kasami mentioned his eye color mutation. He seemed beyond shocked and didn’t seem too happy with that comment, she gave him a slight nod to confirm indeed that she saw his eyes had altered as well which was the only time she assumed it was fine to intrude and join in on their conversation. But now she was outside again and she stood there distanced and alone by herself for mere seconds, both Kasami and Ko were still in the teashop by then and that’s when she realized that Eiji never left the spot he was in. The young woman tilted her head and lifted her right eyebrow so slightly as she stared at the boy in wonder. He seemed kind of out of it, completely tuned out from reality. It was something she hadn’t seen him do before, was this a normal thing for him? She contemplated asking the boy about it, but she wasn’t sure if it was the right time for any small talk. Who knows it would come up eventually within the time she spend time with all of them which would be the majority of this journey.

From the moment where there wasn’t anyone that lingered around, she had asked the group in general what their next step would be. Her question was left unanswered, it seemed like everyone had their own adjectives for this place, no one had an answer because of the unexpected sight and state the village was in, and none of its citizens were to be found. Everyone had gone their own way of investigating the truths of the abandonment of the Senpu monks. That is when she eventually decided to join the group around the captain; who was in a conversation with Kirinji. Because she showed up later she hadn’t heard everything that was said, as she joined in from the moment the captain had explained the reasoning for their presence within this village. It seemed that they were planning their attack on the arachnid necromancer for quite some time before the members of team 3 came across the she-devil in the forest.

Misaho silently tuned in to hear the conversation, she herself had no remarks to express on the reptilian man's words. But she couldn’t help but feel any type of concern for the loss of the teams in the monastery, who was to say if there would be more of these enchantresses types around lingering and waiting on any opportunity to strike on any living soul. She hadn’t forgotten the necromancer's words, someone was out there to get them and it would be odd if they weren’t around to watch their moves. Although the Captain himself hadn’t implied anything being present there from what they’ve been able to navigate and investigate beyond the temple’s gate. Her concerned gaze wouldn’t falter the more details Captain Toki shared with them about the monastery. They wouldn’t be around for long to back them up once more as they would only last out here to fight against the enchantress who haunted the forest for the longest, that is if she would return ever so hastily from the damage Kirinji left upon her.

Once the Captain had stopped his share of gathered intel with them she listened even more closely to the important question Kirinji asked. What was the reason for the monks' aggression? Could Misaho’s panicky scenario of something else roaming around there be true? The woman was starting to wonder if their trance was an outcome of them being controlled by something or perhaps someone. A thought that was shared among others in the group it seems because it was brought to light. Her eyes were solely focused on the captain, his following answer would change her view on the situation completely. Although for a brief moment she switched her gaze upon Ko who was followed by Kasami the both of them wandering off from the group to wherever. Should they be worried for Ko? That is when she parted her lips to speak up in the moments of silence before the reptilian answered Kirinji. “I also had a question myself if you don't mind... This trance they’re in, is it still unknown if anyone aside from the monks is able to get stuck into this trance?”



Staff member
There in the moment, the Kappa Captain - Toki looked at the male as he continued to speak and thank them for what he had done. Expressionless as most of the Kappa looked by the way of their scales that concealed most interior social telegraphing, he would speak curtly - as such was the way of the Kappa, a very direct and straight forward people as much of Naraka was. The manner that he would speak was almost amused but at the same time understanding despite the slightly condescending tone that it could be seen to have. But such was the way of the Kappa - a race of beings that had done nothing but witnessed constant blasphemy and destruction of their forests and others thing all life should hold dear. He couldnt help but think that the man was pandering to him, coming off as socially accommodating as possible as so to build rapport with the Captain in hopes that he would be more informative or compliant; greasing the gears - for smoother flow so to speak. So the Captain leveled with him: "Haha, forgive me our customs are much different. I hadn't taken you for a gentile. You, are the emissaries of the Dragon. To the Kappa, we are the symbols we keep - that we represent. We carry them on our back as we walk the world. Izanagi. The Dragon.
Genichiro Of Seven Winds. The Tiger.
Arachna and her sisters. The Spider-kin.
And we Kappa, The Forest. It's will itself.
You were sent here by Izanagi, emissaries of the dragon. Inheritors of it's heritage. In grouping we, the forest; refer as such. You need not thank us or show appreciation. We do this not for you, but for the forest and her will as well as those whom she would see benefit from her. Much the same as we are sure you all, are not here to save the Kappa even though we may benefit from it. Us soldiers, do what we must with little concern or obligation to another's cause. Such is the way. As for our equipment.
-There was pause- Bitoku, hm yes that which restricts the chakra. You'd be correct. As for the other - it is known as Seishi (Lit: Stillness). It is a source much like Bitoku, except it works on the use of Hadou. As we said, the forest is corrupt with black Hadou and we believe she may be the source...however, there is the possibility that she is not - and is simply benefiting from the abundance of black Hadou risen in the area. In such case we may be assaulting her during a time that she is at her strongest...but our people can not suffer to stand by any longer. Our scouts have already been pulled and she be returning soon, I'm afraid we do still have a battle to fight. But on the off chance that your mission will lead you to a result that will break this Black Hadou's hold on the forest, here. We've two more bombs that the scouts we lost were carrying. They're all we can spare. The tags on the bombs ignited by surging chakra into it, you surge - and throw.

The moment came in which Kirinji had ceased speaking after he handed over the bombs. However when this happened the Captain had been looking between Kasami, and Misaho - whom looked visibly distraught by the situation and as imposing and strong willed as he appeared simply by appearance and stature alone...he was a commanding officer of a group that he cared about, and as such he knew how it felt to give someone bad news or to otherwise inform an incoming party of the horrors they may see or the odds that are stacked against them. His worry came to fruition when the blue haired male doubled back to ask another question. The Kappa's head lowered as he contemplated anything that would be a sign, and slowly his mind panned from thinking of complex things to thinking more 2-dimensional about what was plainly off about the scenario. He swallowed back spit and his hesitation - looking to Miasho at first almost as if seeking non-verbal consent to potentially make worry more so in just a gaze...but he would continue regardless - as he felt it was odd enough that they should know.



They were smiling wide...ear to ear. Not speaking, they didnt even so much as make sounds when met with physical assault. They only smiled wide and unwavering never breaking that grin - all of them. It just felt, wrong. Whatever is controlling them, its no jutsu. As for your question. -Directed at Misaho- To our knowledge only the most involved members of their religious culture became entranced. You see, majority of the Senpu with exception of very few priestesses are male, and the woman build the at home culture of most of their secular world. Children as well don't seem to be affected. Whatever caused this to happen is directly linked with their religion and the monastery. The animals - especially the Senpu monkeys control and govern most of their artifacts, medical supplies and religious paraphernalia. If I had to put my guess on it. I would say something has gone wrong with the Monkey hierarchy. We've not seen Senpu monkeys outside of the Monastery sacred grove ever since this started to happen. Now if you excuse me, we need to make preparations to confirm our attack team's status and potentially make our way back to the village. Soon, a team will be arriving to alternate with us and keep hold of this village as a bulkhead for our effort against the Spider-kin.

With that being said, the Kaptain bowed his head and turned on his feet to go back to the rest of his grouping discussing recovery plans and medical placement to evac injured field operatives as they went back after the Spider-witch. That being said. Meanwhile - there was the matter of Ko and the others.


"What? Don't tell me you arent happy to see me? Nyehahaha, I suppose it would have been better if I rode in earlier but you know, whew - I hate bugs. Nasty business that. Anywho you are all fine. Enough about my sudden entrance - where is my other little friend hm? The blue haired one that talks like a car salesman at times."
-He said this removing his hat from the top of his head and brushing his hand through his silver locks of hair - tossing his head back with a chuckle as he did. Now, he was not behind a counter of any sort but out and about but seemed to be lugging on his back a gigantic crate of goods. Its was cylindrical and out of its lid poked various things...an antanae of some sort...a blade, and a...hand? He giggled and sorted himself back together as he seemed to be looking around for Kirinji in a very over-expressed and exaggerated manner when suddenly his eyes snapped to a narrowed frame right upon the silhouette echo of a human being behind them. Imperious. His eyes were locked onto it and from this angle even Eiji himself would feel a tangible chill..nothing like an intuition or a feeling one got when creeped out but a literal chill like someone dropped and ice cube down the back of his neck. The happy go lucky merchant shifted in demeanor as those bright yellow eyes slanted down upon it and his voice became grave and dark:
"Remove that pestilent - contraption from my sight."

-And with that being said he lifted his hand past Kasami and Ko in a manner as if to flick an insect, and in doing so he would flick his middle finger out and the puppet would find that there would only be a brief and sharp sound - like something about to pierce the sound barrier coming towards it before finally with a loud impact the puppet would have been stuck by an invisible force and send reeling back through the village, bursting into the side wall of a house only to imbed himself inside. The man would lower his finger when the puppet was no longer in sight and with a brief moment longer saying a few words in that same manner - he would a'fix the hat back upon his head and go back to his goofy mannerisms.-
"My presence will not suffer a pale messenger...-ahem- Ha sorry about that. I have this thing, I just - I cant stand mannequins or anything that resembles them. Ehehe...thats a lie. I just do not like that wretched thing. Anywho - so here we are...Ouka village. You all have come a decent way havent you? And even picked up new talent along the way it seems."
-Misaho wasnt even in eye shot yet. They were around the corner from the building so there was an entire line of houses blocking visibility between the two portions of the group. How would he know? Had he been around before? He was otherwise undetectable to any sense of sensory - another being in Naraka that were it not for looking directly upon him you wouldnt even know that he was there...except his lack of presence seemed a bit more...permeating then the others..a magnifying lense of void...the waning hunger passes through - becoming deeper...ever like itself. Conflicted by the friendly, goofy nature of the man as well as a bright smile that seemed as innocent as a child, as he looked between Kasami and Ko with his black nails trailing upon his lips like he didnt know what to say. Though Ko's eye's begged the obvious...he wanted him to get to the point, utterly discomforted by his sudden presence here - he could feel it on the boy's expression, though he couldnt help to toy about a bit more.
"I've come to bargain. Lord knows it seems you could use it, and there is insight to be gained here. But who would I be to bargain if I didnt let my gambling buddy Kirinji come to the table as well hehehe, where is the little tike? Oh - Koga, is this Kasami? The lovely lady you got that Hakama from me for? Why she is lovely isnt she? And my - what pretty eyes she has~"

-The last bit accompanied by an almost maddening giggle as he spun on his heels in such a haphazard and feather-footed manner that it caused the massive dumpster of a crate on his back to sway and pull from his body almost threatening to hit the two as he looked off into the mountains of Ouka where they were be destined to traverse. Up at the gigantic stone gate of passage that would act as their checkpoint...apparent that he was thinking about what was beyond as he awaited the rest of their group to catch up...he knew where they were going, in more ways then one. He couldnt help but think a'loud as he waited:

"Haha...oh Ouka Monastery. Shall you finally let the unenlightened onto your doorstep? Let them traverse the sacred grove to the great waterfall? Heh, how exciting."


Oh, I see! Was the expression painted upon Kirinji’s face as the Captain explained what he meant by emissaries of the Dragon. Izanagi was the Dragon and they were the group representing Izanagi on this mission. Genichiro, he still wasn’t used to that name, made sense being the Tiger since the silver-plated cards that Kami no Shi had given him had an amethyst engraving of a tiger upon it. As the Captain continued to explain the symbols they represent, Kirinji began to ponder what symbol he represented. What did people think when they saw him? He was uncertain. Did he even carry a symbol or was he forever a soldier to fight in another’s war? The Kappa was an intelligent species, this much was certain. They also seemed to be self-governing. After all, they had sent scouts ahead in order to investigate the trance the Senpu Monks had entered. Not only that, but they had also prepared and launched a somewhat sophisticated attack on Archna before other variables had thrown it off. A painful expression came forth as the Captain mentioned how the group was more than likely not there to assist them in their battle. His cold eyes departed and you could tell in his face very subtly that he wanted to assist, but he couldn’t. There was a much larger threat at bay and it was necessary to attend to that than the Spider at the moment. Plus the Spider back then had implied that she had been sent by someone. This simply was to delay them, or at worse, get rid of them entirely. It seemed the work of the self-proclaimed New Burning Dawn. Assisting here would only result in the other parties' direct success. They had to get moving. Kirinji feared that the New Burning Dawn was ahead of them on their way to the Shrine.

There was a brief pause before the Captain continued speaking. He spoke about Bitoku and Stillness, which Kirinji was not surprised about. The fact that Naraka had something that could counteract Chakra made it easier to digest that Naraka had something to counteract Hadou. It was only natural. Though he did wonder about the fine details and mechanics behind this Stillness. From all that he’s read and heard about Hadou, it’s emotion-based energy that can fuel many things. Was this Stillness something that calmed the mind? Kirinji had questions regarding such but neglected to ask about it since the Captain spoke in a tone that was strict and straightforward. Which was natural since, after all, he had to prepare for an upcoming battle. Kirinji would move his open palm out toward the Captain as he was handed the equipment, “Thank you.” The blue-haired Uchiha replied to the gesture. For a moment he stared at the equipment in thought, wishing that he could generate these effects from within instead of relying on one-time equipment uses. Kirinji stored the bombs away in his pockets on his being instead of his backpack. As he did such, he was reminded of something. He began to take off his backpack all while he followed the Captain’s gaze seeing the visibly distraught Kasami and Misaho. He had no inspirational or motivating words for them. Unfortunately, they’d have to become used to war. Although the idea of the young in war dying was a sickening thought. His attention turned back to the Captain as he took a knee with his backpack open in front of him. “I know you said to not apologize, but I do genuinely regret us not being capable of any assistance. I wish we could, but we too have our directives. However, I can offer this in return.” As he spoke he was shuffling around his backpack searching for something very specific. “I don’t know how much of a help this will be, but..” Kirinji pulled out six sealing tags as he stared at them momentarily before putting them out toward the Captain. “These are Chakra Sealing Tags. I received them directly from the Dragon himself. They essentially create a tug-of-war effect against anyone that walks through them. You can set them up strategically around a pathway baiting Archna. If she’s used chakra, then wherever you set these tags up she’ll be pulled equally in opposite directions. Like magnets, freezing her momentarily for you to take advantage. The more chakra she uses, the more effective the tags will be.” He continued speaking waiting for the Captain to take the Sealing Tags. Had he done so, he’d close his backpack and put it back around his shoulder. “I understand the formula enough to rewrite myself new ones. Plus I have other means and don’t require tags. I wish I could write you new seals that could also assist against Hadou, but fortunately, my limited knowledge won’t allow for such. So, please, accept these for helping us.”

By the time he had stood up, Misaho had asked the Captain of the Kappa a question and his worried look had seemed to intensify. The Captain spoke about the mannerism of the Senpu Monks and by the sounds of it, it seemed as if they had been possessed by something or someone. He also answered her question and Kirinji found it surprising that the Senpu Monkeys had seemed to have vanished. From his research, the forest was the host of the Divine Monkey Dignitaries and supposedly they guarded the gateway to Nirvana. Now the Captain had also informed them that the Senpu Monkeys control and govern most of their artifacts and other necessary material. Had something gone awry in regards to the artifacts? Had something escaped from Nirvana? Or was the Captain right and something had gone wrong inside the Monkey hierarchy. This information was akin to a double-edged sword. On one hand, it was momentarily peaceful to know that the Senpu Monkeys would not potentially serve as an obstacle to them as they went through the unwelcoming Ouka Forest. Especially since in the note, he found Izanagi had mentioned that he had not seen any practice of Taijutsu more fierce and unpredictable than those of the Senpu Monkeys. Yet on the other end of the spectrum, what else had gone unchecked while the monkeys were not about. The level of caution they needed to proceed with was still the same. Perhaps even higher. “Thank you again,” Kirinji responded with a bow in return to the Captain who was now attending to his responsibilities.

The blue-haired man now would turn toward the others to see where they were so they could begin a discussion of their approach. As he glanced around he would notice that only Misaho was in the current vicinity while the others had gone about. Checking in, he could tell that Eiji had gone back to the teahouse and was sitting there for whatever reason. Kasami had not been too far either, but he could not see her visually just as he could not see Eiji. Then he heard the brief, yet sharp sound. Soon after followed the sound of impact as he witnessed Eiji’s puppet flying through the village. Kirinji indulged in the thought of Kasami being the one having done that with a light, playful chuckle before he gestured to Misaho to make their way toward Kasami. Had she gone along, they would arrive shortly after during the moment that the silver merchant was asking about Kirinji’s location. For somewhat so well-versed in intelligence, he found it hard to believe that he hadn’t known. “If I’m a tike, that’d make you a gramps no?” Those words were ironic in many ways; Kirinji just didn’t know the full depth of it yet. The voice would come over from one of the rooftops nearby. Kirinji glanced over at Ko and noticed the air of discomfort in his expression. Kirinji could relate. “Should I just start calling you that?” Had they followed the sound of the voice they’d see Kirinji sitting at the edge of the rooftop with one leg dangling off of the roof kicking back and forth slowly while the other positioned upright with his arm resting upon the knee lifelessly. The Merchant potentially even sooner during his spin. There was a look of concern on Kirinji’s face in the most subtle way fathomable. Despite jokingly commenting, his expression did not portray that of humor. Many thoughts were going through his mind and most of them were tainted with negativity. The odd expression on Kirinji’s face would more than likely only be noticeable to Kasami. To the rest, they’d more than likely only see the stone-faced expression they had become accustomed to. Eventually, though delayed, a wide grinned smile would come into fruition as he awaited the silver-haired man’s response. He was clearly matching his energy.

The reason Kirinji had reacted in this mannerism was that ever since he had come into Naraka he had been suffering from nightmares. That wasn’t anything new to him as everyone occasionally is plagued with such. The concern was that these nightmares specifically were unlike anything he had experienced ever before. The nightmares he endured here felt eerily real as if they had actually occurred but on some mental plane. Other times it was as if he were spectating another’s memory. He couldn’t put his finger on it and he hadn’t brought it up or mentioned it to others since Izanagi had mentioned that by reading the scrolls there was a chance that Shuten Doji could infiltrate his mind. The one that specifically came to mind was one that included the very man before them. In the nightmare, he was dawned in much darker robes and carried a scythe over his back. He was talking to another man and his tone was much different than the one he was portraying to them at the moment. They were having a discussion about how they were ever going to stop it from coming through.

Nightmare: Divination of the Six
“It’s a problem you’ll have to solve without me now.”
The Merchant spoke while holding a child, “I have a son now. A wife. You have to understand - I can’t take the risk anymore.” The other man, the one that was wearing armor, he’d simply stare in silence before nodding with a hand on his shoulder. “I understand. You’ve done enough - if anyone has served their time it’s you. We won't speak any longer after this, so I must know. What will you name the boy?” The Merchant smiled, “Mitsunari. Mitsunari of the Senju Clan.”

A name not too many were familiar with as it would undergo many changes. It would evolve into a name that carried an ambiguously mythological reputation, Izanagi Mebu. And the man before them? He knew his name as well. It was Mitsuhidei Uchiha, Izanagi’s blood father. Kirinji hadn’t told anyone this. He didn’t even want to tell anyone he knew because of the potential ramifications of knowing such. There were too many unknown variables and one of the biggest was what would Mitsuhidei do if he knew that Kirinji knew of his name? After all, he had made an effort to conceal such information from their previous encounter. It was unclear what Mitsuhidei’s intentions were with the group or in the grand scheme of things, but it was clear that he had some ulterior motives. That ambiance around the silver-haired man had always been present. For now, they’d have to entertain Mitsuhidei and tread very carefully around the man. They had no idea what he was capable of or what his agenda was behind the facade. The games were about to begin.


Staff member
To say she was surprised to see the merchant here would be an understatement, but her facial expression wasn't too betraying. There was a raise of her brows and a head tilt when she rounded the corner to catch up with Ko and saw him as well, but it was a subtle expression of shock. As she came closer and joined Ko's side, she heard shuffling behind her and was turning to peer over her shoulder in its direction when she also noticed the hand moving out past them as well. Her eyes darted between the puppet that had followed them and the merchant's hand, looking at his fingers just in time to see him make a flicking motion.

For a moment she was incredibly confused and then there was boom, followed by a crashing sound and a crumbling wall. She tensed up as if it surprised her but the look on her face made it obvious that she was cringing. At least it wasn't a person, but that poor house didn't deserve that. At least the town had been abandoned besides the Kappa up until now, and she recalled the Captain saying they would eventually return to their own village as well. Really all he'd done was create an open door for flora and fauna to live there. A living relic. Now she only wondered if Eiji's puppet was going to become a part of that... was it going to get up from that? Kasami was kind of thrown off by how the merchant referred to the puppet, taking into consideration his disdain for that one in particular and the choice of words. It made her curious just what he knew about the puppet. It had appeared so suddenly and randomly when they were in Kiyoshi's home, and it had just stuck around. Even Eiji had been afraid of it, so could she really believe that he was the one that made it like he'd been told? Something didn't smell right about the situation. It was definitely something to think about.

The merchant had come to bargain, so he said, and asked after Kirinji again. It seemed her teammate had made a lasting impression on this man. It was the second time that he had made mention of him in one conversation, which was passing by quickly considering how eccentric his mannerisms were. She was about to offer to go get him when he had mentioned her. His attention directed toward her as he mentioned Ko purchasing her gift from him, and she realized judging by his words that Ko had talked to him about her, at least briefly if not more, and that made her feel a little uncomfortable. Not like he shouldn't have, but more like... it was unusual? His focus moved to complimenting her eyes and suddenly she felt kind of exposed, just like she had in front of Genichiro, but she didn't really move at all from where she was standing. She didn't even make an effort to look away, or cover herself, or put space between him. She almost unflinchingly stood there and watched spin around gleefully, besides a slight furrow to her brow. Thanks where a compliment was given were still due, however, so she was about to give them- opening her lips, only for a familiar voice to interrupt her. Kirinji- bless. Her shoulders relaxed a little after she made sure that the merchant had directed his attention to her teammate, letting out a quiet puff of air as if she deflated. It felt kind of tense.

Her attention as well then moved to Kirinji on the rooftop, giving Misaho a softer glance were she nearby and joining them as well, a slight smile there on her lips. Things got weird around here all the time, she hoped their new teammate could adjust, but she'd find a way to help her if she couldn't. They all needed to keep their heads on straight and it was all that she could do for her, honestly. Tell her she's not crazy if she sees a talking duck- she probably did. She looked back at Kirinji again and she saw it there in his expression, if only faintly, but it was there. She made no adjustments in her own demeanor so she didn't draw attention to anything and decided to deviate and distract in case anyone might notice as well. Her head turned slightly to see if the puppet had gotten up yet, and then she looked around for Eiji. Either he was with the Kappa or he was alone and she didn't know if either of those were a good thing.

"Tell me you didn't leave Eiji with the Kappa." Her tone was partially joking, as if the quiet one of the group would somehow manage to talk their tympanum* off, but the underlying reason for asking was just as serious. He was kind of a wild card at the moment. Always disappearing- always in over his head.

*a reptile's auditory apparatus




"Born to blossom, bloom to perish"-不幸の放浪者

Now when she spoke up about her wonders she didn’t expect anything positive, but the answer she received was somewhat soothing to her. It seemed that those who weren’t as involved too deeply in their religion were mostly unaffected. This meant that it wouldn’t deem any harm towards outsiders, however, there were still many questions as to what caused it, as they were affected by something other than any jutsu's. She couldn’t help but feel there were a lot more disturbing things behind the scenes of what caused their imprisonment of trances. Now she could continue on with dozens of questions but there wasn’t any point, she herself left things for what it was after she got her question answered. Still, she couldn’t let her concerns drop away when she heard of the appearance they held, how they would smile oh so sinister without any sign of life in them. To Misaho, they were consumed to the point they seemed like dolls. At that moment Misaho stopped paying attention to the conversation between the kappa and Kirinji after the two of them were finishing up their conversation as the captain needed to prepare his team to return to their village. That is when her eyes wandered back towards the spot where she’d last seen Kasami and Ko wander off too, they hadn’t returned yet by now. It seemed that Eiji had wandered off by himself, however, she hadn’t paid attention to where he headed off towards. She assumed he didn’t wander off too far from any of them, he didn’t seem like the type to take a stroll on his own and risk danger.

As her eyes lingered on the building her teammates passed by she was able to something fly by as if it was struck by a great force and eventually burst into one of the house's walls.”Uh… what the f-” She mumbled out at the sight of the happening with the most obvious puzzled face. The comment was basically a loud thought that managed to escape her lips, it was only almost too late that she had realized she said something she wasn’t meant to say out loud so she didn’t finish her sentence. Not only that, she truly was visibly puzzled at the sight of it, especially after she realized it was Eiji’s puppet that took the hit. She then looked at Kirinji with an eyebrow raised who hadn’t missed the sighting either as if to ask for any explanation with just her facial expression. However, she only was more confused to hear the man chuckling and then heading off to where the puppet was struck from. She followed after her him, not only because of his gesture but because curiosity killed the cat… she was too nosey to find out what happened.”Is this like a normal thing or something?” She had questioned him while they were heading over to Kasami and Ko.

Now when they got there she saw the faces of her teammates but also a face she hadn’t seen before. She looked at everyone, person by person, and from their expressions, it was clear that they were all familiar with the person who was a stranger to her. Unlike Kirinji who had moved to the edge of the rooftop, Misaho inched closer toward Kasami and Ko by the time she got there. Now, what were the man's intentions? By listing to the change of dialogue between the silver merchant and the Uchiha it was clear he came here to see Kirinji for whatever reason he had or the history they all shared with him. The only thought that was stuck in her head was her concern about this person, were they on good terms with the silver-haired individual? Or was he here to make things even more difficult for them? At first, her gaze was stuck on this new individual in front of her, but she noticed from the corner of her eye that someone’s gaze was laid upon her. Her eyes followed and were greeted by Kasami’s soft smile towards her to which Misaho assumed she wanted to offer her comfort with all the stuff that has happened. The young woman responded to her female teammate with a soft gaze to ensure her that she felt okay despite all the madness that occurred.

Now with the mention of Eiji, she too started again to wonder where he went off to. She kind of assumed he would be there too, especially with his puppet that flew by through the village. Was he out there hiding somewhere? For a moment she considered getting him, but she figured that he would join them soon because everyone was present behind the building. Within that same moment, it seemed that Kasami was doing the same, looking around for Eiji since he wasn’t around. “He isn’t with the Kappa, he wandered somewhere on his own.” She responded to her teammate’s comment in a low tone for Kasami and Ko to both hear as she was closest to them. Despite the slight hint of a playful tone, she could hear concern hiding under the playfulness and she probably wasn’t the only one to be concerned right now. Misaho held a lot of concerns, but she decided to mostly remain in the background for a moment after she spoke up and watch how things would unfold at the moment.



New member
Deep in the darkness of the tea house, sitting alone was Eiji, after having heard everything the kappa captain said he had so much on his mind everything that the kappa said to his own demons that seemed to be tormenting him at the moment. He knew very well that as long as Imperious was near the others he could always appear near them, so Eiji decided to think and get his mind in order. As such he was watching Kasami and Ko through the eyes of Imperious and communicating with Imperious as well through his mental connection, "Heh, you should be more honest with yourself. You're afraid they'll betray you like all the others, like your family, like your so-called first friends, etc." Imperious' words rung heavily within Eiji's mind, "Shut it... What do you know? I'm worried about what the kappa captain said. We could be walking into a trap, we could have to face all the monks, or worse. Unlike the others, I don't have the skills to keep up. This place... This land... It's removed everything I know as a strength. Now what do I have? The kappa's attack against the spider bitch has shown me that once more... I thought I had grown a bit but I haven't... I can only imagine how horrible it will be in the monastery for us especially with me holding them back." Their conversation would continue for a bit before Eiji felt the sudden chill down his spine right when Imperious was scolding him about how he doesn't see his own talents.

After the chill arose Eiji would hear the booming sound as his connection with Imperious showed him that the puppet was sent flying far away without prior notice or being able to tell what hit him. He would only look through Imperious' eyes as he was expecting an enemy to be around and rather than running into danger headfirst, it would be better for him to sit in a safe place and have Imperious stand back up, but Imperious was pretty well damaged from the collision at the time. As he was thinking about how he could fix Imperious without anyone seeing him, something eerie would happen had anyone been paying close attention to Imperious the damage done to his chest and legs would seem to disappear after a few seconds, and had anyone been near Eiji at the time they would have noticed his chakra level went down for a moment.

This was Imperious borrowing more chakra from Eiji to repair himself, "
Ugh... That hurt. Damn, well let's see what's going on. The others weren't far from where I got blasted from." Imperious spoke in a monotone almost robotic tone as he stood up from the pile of rubble and began to head off towards where the others were. At the same time, Eiji was startled for many reasons, he'd never had Imperious use his chakra like that. He did not know Imperious could self-repair nor did he know his chakra could repair him. Beyond that, the only person who probably notice that Eiji's chakra did anything would probably be the salesman who Eiji had not noticed at the moment. Eiji's eyes were wide open, "You could do that all along? You could repair yourself? My chakra can repair you? What else can you do? What else can I do...? What is the power that let's me do. What is axon? You've explained it to me but seeing it... Seeing it used, I feel like you left out details... T...This is the talent you've been telling me about?" All these questions seemed to override Eiji's former anxieties before he was shot back to reality by Imperious ignoring his questions as he laid eyes upon Kasami and Ko standing in front of the silver-haired man and Kirinji who was sitting upon the roof. He turned to see Misaho as well.

Imperious looked at the man for a moment as Imperious was completely visible to them at that moment Imperious seemed to do a motion similar to cracking its neck but the sound was less than natural sounding like popcorn as his neck seemed to rotate rather than move in a circular motion like a human's head would do. After a moment he would walk up if he was allowed as he looked at the group for a moment before Eiji's voice came out of Imperious, "
What's happening?! What hit my puppet? Also, who is this?" The group more than likely could not answer his questions but Eiji nonetheless asked as instead of looking at the group when he asked these questions, he looked at the silver-hair salesman. He had an eerie feeling about him, actually he reminded Eiji of the Salesman who gave him some kind of medicinal pill back in the first village or the one that attacked him back in Kiyoshi's village. This made Eiji wary to approach in general which is why Imperious was standing in as his proxy.


Staff member

During the moment in which Kirinji would have given the sealing tags to the Kaptain (its a good joke damnit), the commanding officer would have taken them with a curious pause upon its demeanor. Little did Kirinji or the others know, the Kaptain was a strong leader, and had served in many battles prior to this as well as many efforts that aided directly in the purification of the forest. He was well known among his peers as a well experienced soldier and a man of many accolades that knew how to improvise and take the smallest resources in a situation and turn them into their biggest asset. And the moment he offered these tags? The wheels in his mind were turning on a plot to overtake the Feral Spider and use her own blood lust against her. He accepted the offering graciously and looked upon Kirinji, holding his hand out in a fist almost as if to hold up a mug for a toast and as he did the other Kappa did the same. This was their salute - and a rallying call before action, as they each started to beat their chest just over their heart in rhythm and synchronization with one another, a loud, strong heartbeat that sounded off as one among many. They would stop, and with that when Kirinji and Misaho had turned away they to did, only with a brief pause in which the Kaptain watched the puppet go flying with an open mouth, a sign of confusion and shock before he shook his head and proceeded onwards - ready to brief his team as to what he had in store.

What soon followed after was the gathering that occurred here to the merchant. When Kirinji arrived and his voice interjected the merchant turned back with a wild spin on the tips of his toes like a ballerina, a giddy school girl that just watched their classroom crush walk through the door as he giggled and called out: "Kiri-kun! Ah you're here! It just wouldnt be right without having you near with the group when I come to visit would it!? Get down off that roof ya rascal, so theatric - people live here y'know!?" The merchant chuckled and adjusted the hat upon his silvered head of hair - the manner that he dove back into conversation completely glanced over the comment as to he must be a gramps then. Whether or not that was for personal reasons or not would go unconfronted in this particular instance of conversation, however when Misaho looked back from addressing the glance of comfort that she gave her, she would only look back to find that the merchant was looking strictly at her, and in silence at that. He looked her over as if he would be curious and want to say something but he would remain silent for that duration of visual attention before shortly there after the puppet would repair and start to approach. During all of this, Ko would be looking at the man with an expression of discomfort and tension, he didnt want to hide it or show otherwise - he simply didnt care to, and soon after he would reveal to his companions why that was, for he noticed the nuances of pacifying behaviors rolling through Kasami when he had made the comments before and his retort - was meant to clarify the details of that mention of her. He spoke begrudgingly, almost as if he did not know how he would respond to him pulling the curtain back on his parlor trick: "He can read our minds. At least to some extent, and I would even wager some memories too. Am I right? Thats how you did it, how you knew about Kasami when I came to your shop. Knew where we were going, why. " He stared at the man waiting for anything that would give indication, when the merchant simply lifted his shoulders almost as if to shrug before he simply let them fall relaxed and chuckled perhaps a bit more then he should have.

He looked between them all. What was he looking for? Was it for reactions? Understanding how they would take such news or was he looking for confirmation? Something to verify that the message Ko just sent them had truly be received or if some of them would find truth, stranger then fiction. He watched for any kind of reactions wondering who would change their method of engagement, though on the surface perhaps it would look like he was
listening, listening for thoughts - brilliant and divine nourishment for the hungering power that he held beneath all of that silliness he put on. The truth was: "Its not entirely that simple. Though, you aren't entirely wrong - either my fiery little bird." he clarified. He then let the gigantic bag on his back hit the floor behind him - landing with an impact that would upsweep dust and make the very ground they were on (and house, had Kirinji been on) tremble once it settled. The man seemed to roll his shoulders and stretch a bit, pushing his hand up over his face and through his hair as his opposite hand removed the hat so he could complete the vain grooming. His eyes fell upon Misaho, remaining upon her with baited curiosity that was plain to tell: "Ms. Soyokaze - I don't believe I've had the pleasure of meeting you in my shop personally, one on one. Forgive me - as a humble merchant, hungry for a robust new clientele allow me to extend to you a gift - heh, a door buster if you would. On the house as a sign of peace. You seem tense, and I would certainly not like you to think I mean you any harm."
He finished, turning around from whence he was originally looking upon her rather intensely he started to pull from his bag. There was not an inch of tension in him. Not a single iota of worry that at any point one of them may deem this to be a bit too strange of an occurrence and predicament and rule that it may weigh on the side of self-preservation to attack him now while he was distracted. It was apparent that the man found there to be no threat to him within the group or situation at all, not even with the kindling new Suzaku and Blue-haired Uchiha being right here to wage a joint effort against him. The man in his leisure drew something from the bag and then turned to the woman, gesting forward with his hand as he held out a pair of hand fans, however these fans were beautifully adorned - they looked as if they cost a fortune and the spines of the fans themselves were not of steel or any material like it, but a deep sapphire to offset the lavender body of the fans themselves. At the head of the fans - the tips were fashioned into daggers, showing that these fans clearly were crafted with the intention to be used as weapons - concealed or not. He would keep his hand held out on the fan offering it forward to her with a firm grip. Had she accepted, he would keep his grip on the fans long enough for both their hands to lock them in place standing there before he let go so she could take them, and he would comment:
"You do have his eyes...that's certain. I can't wait to see what kind of future for yourself, and for your clan - you go on to look upon with those eyes." And had she not accepted and this moment not occur? He would continue on to the following point...as the puppet started to approach and Eiji's voice was projected from it.
The man would clap his hands in amusement, looking at the rest of them and then back at the puppet as he seemed to have been stricken with a punchline of a joke that didn't quite land with the rest of them the way that it had with him in this very moment. He shook his head and started to speak - looking at the puppet as Eiji questioned on but it was clear that he was speaking to the group as a whole as he said it: "Ha! This is great - I wager that it hadn't gripped onto him more then a few weeks at this point and already - the mocking figment of a human form is already walking like him, and using his voice as if its him! Such progress! You asked who I'am boy. " and in the moment that he said this he would take one step towards the puppet and as he did he clenched his fist. Around them started to become an area blanketed in a black inky-blot kind of cloud that seemed to snuff out more and more of the light from the area that they were all standing in till it would seem that entire block of the village was concealed under this guise. To Kirinji and Kasami, it would seem as if there was something more acute at play. They would not be like the others in the group, and only feel an interference that would make the body simulate soreness and tension as if there was an atmospheric pressure among them - but they would hear whispers....words muttered in the shadows that seemed to be closing around them creeping in - but they were to low to have any sense made of them. As he did this and took the step, it would seem the puppet would be all consumed by the black that seeped and coiled around them, and then as this happened that same blackness would dissipate and reveal only Eiji before them - standing in the puppet's place. It would seem that whether the man liked it or not, him and his puppet would have been swapped in position. After that happened the merchant would open his clenched fist and push his palm downwards towards the ground and with it - the shadow that veiled the area seemed to obey and seep itself into the floor until light shone upon them all once more and the man finished: "The question is, boy. Who are you? Are you a man? Machine? Or are you something less then both of those? Heed my words. You're already a craven - but be not a fool. The more you rely on that thing the more that it will twist and get in your mind, until your thoughts, your doubts - drown you out and before you know it there's less of you on the inside then there has ever been and before long....you will be the puppet. Heh, I mean isn't it funny? One of the only things consistent, even now. Is when the chips are down and everyone is front and center. There you are. In the back. Away from it all. I wonder why that is." Obviously - the man was pointing to the fact that there had already been suspicions as to if not Eiji's allegiance to the team and the goal moving forward, then at least to his mental state. Running from merchants in Kagane that no one can verify existed, running from his own puppet that even he doesn't know when he crafted, disappearing on the road to Kagetsuchi and only showing up - if not strongly injured, at the very last moment in the Lucky Tiger Casino. Was this a valid point? Or a play at the insecurities of the team and the doubts they all had. Perhaps this was a bit of satire - at the fact that they all had doubts in the first place. Either way: "I digress." he continued. "I have limited time, and what I have to say next is important. You see, there is a bit of an issue here. One that I have had for a while yet only now does there come an opportunity to address. I'll be forth-coming.

I want inside of the Monastery.
Only now is there an opportunity for me to be able to but there is a problem. You see, we live in a world of rules. And particular rules we must follow - even myself. There have been designated players in this little game that's going on and one of those rules is...a piece on the game board can not be swapped out - unless of course there is willing consent from the player at turn. Heh. What I mean by this is. There is a piece on the board right now - a destined chip on this little gambling board we have going right now. But I very much would like to be in his spot at current. I can only do this if you - the emissaries of the dragon as Toki so poetically referred to you, agree. I admit, there are risks taken if you choose this, either way. As there are also rewards. But such is the way any twist of fate can go. But let there be no mistake my dear friends.

What awaits you is not a test, not a quiz, not a trial run nor a small scrimmage you can opt out of when the scuffs get too tight. No.

What awaits you up that mountain is for all intents and purposes an ordeal. I'm not saying that fate doesn't already have it out for you. I'm not saying that she does. But what Im telling you is this. I'm giving you a choice. Let the chips fall where they may and play at the hand of fate? Or take fate into your own hands and roll the dice. You can walk the path of the Crow, or walk the path of the Murderous Shade - each comes with its own...ordeal.

Ha - now comes my favorite part. I told you Kiri-kun, we'd be gambling much more in the future.

With that being said he would place his hat back upon his head and with that same hand open his palm wide. The same pervading darkness that had suffocated the area around them before materializing in his hand only to disperse and reveal a gnarly looking staff of spindled obsidian shaped in the form of a skeleton with its cranium adorning the top of the staff with a polished alloy head. The mouth of the staff would open, and from it would slowly emerge a gigantic blade, splitting the dental structure of the skull's teeth to the point the mouth seemed to crack open to facilitate more room for it...however in odd almost dream-like fashion the cracks solidified as if they were an intentional design element of what was now, a beautiful if not morbid scythe in the man's hand. He struck it down to the ground before him so hard that it stood upright with little to no resistance at all and underneath it a fuinjutsu formula of exquisitely odd and foreign design appeared...not even those of Naraka would be able to tell what this was. As it set there the formula seemed to depict two kanji (Crow/Shade) and the blade was set to travel between the middle of the two. The merchant would chuckle and grin wide as he looked between all of them and would comment with great satisfaction: "Well? The wheel of fate is turning."



Staff member
The merchant had always made Kasami a little uncomfortable- even when she'd met him alone in his shop in Kiyoshi's little village. His strange demeanor never wavered, flipping from hot to cold like the changes in the wind, and it seemed like he was even stranger when in the presence of others. While she didn't say anything else for the time being, her eyes were on him. She was watching him with greater scrutiny than she had watched most, especially Kiyoshi after the recent shift in behavior or Eiji with his... consistent behavior. There was always something about this stranger that felt like it was a surface level show that hid a bigger threat to them than they'd encountered yet. So she just watched, with no particular expression on her face, occasionally glancing around at the others and acknowledging words being said with small nods here and there. Misaho's returned smile, the answer of Eiji's whereabouts, what Ko said- only actions, no words. It could easily be mistaken for her being zoned out again at first glance, but if someone looked hard enough they'd know that was not the case. Kasami was thinking hard, observing and trying to decide for herself whether or not she trusted this merchant despite his gifts and dealings.

Misaho's gift was quite beautiful and she was happy for her, admiring the fans that were extended out to her before her attention was snatched away. The movement behind them as Eiji's puppet approached again had caused her to turn around half way and step to the side as if making space for him to join their group, however she was only getting out of the way in case the merchant decided to take action about his presence again. Part of her secretly wished that he would. She was just as on the fence about this puppet as she was about everything else they had no information on. This thing just got thrown through a building and seemed completely intact- and then she heard Eiji's voice. It projected to her ears right from the mouthless face before them. At the sound of his voice her demeanor finally shifted. No longer hiding any scrutiny she directed it all at the puppet before them with furrowed brows and a set jaw.

Eiji always showed up late, asking a litany of questions in one breath and offering zero substance to the bulk of the team. It disappointed her, to say the least. He was one of the first that she joined up with once they got to Naraka, drenched and confused. The original Team Three. Her, Sentou and Eiji... And it was sadder to her than having no team at all. She was used to him hiding and running, but this was a new low and a confusing one at that, but the merchant quickly clarified some things for her with the next words he said, even though it raised even more questions.

She didn't see the merchant take the step forward or even clench his fist, she only felt the aftermath, and it was visible in the way her body tensed that she was feeling it. The muscles in her arms became a bit more defined as the weight of the pressure came down on her, staring at the puppet as the black substance fanned out across ground. Her physical reaction to this went a step further than those except for Kirinji, as she could hear indiscernible whispering all around her. This was shown by the way her ear twitched, and the quick fleeting motions of her eyes as she looked around. Half of her expected to find faces within the darkness peering back at them, and her mind was subconsciously flashing moments she'd encountered similar things to her in her head. The temple where Mikaboshi's likeness had taken Tatsumi in its grasp in some substance akin to this. In the casino when Genichiro had tipped his hand- a recollection which made her sick to her stomach as her body recalled the feeling of it. Kasami's face became pale for a moment before it all faded away and suddenly before she realized how- Eiji was standing before them.

The merchant spoke to Eiji with such an acute awareness of their past circumstances that it made her a little uncomfortable. Was this the mind reading thing Ko had mentioned or was this merchant always watching them? He seemed to know everything, just like Izanagi did. But it also just solidified in her mind how disappointed she was in Eiji. She and Kirinji were not the only ones that saw his cowardice and lack of commitment to their team. Others saw it too, so she knew now that she was no longer making incorrect judgments on his character. Which brought the question to mind... did they really want him on this journey if he would not be able to deliver when they needed him? It was food for thought, as the merchant shifted gears in conversation.

Mention of importance was all it took for Kasami to pull her judgmental eyes away from Eiji and turn her attention to the merchant and all he had to say. The situation that he laid out before them seemed like one that came with great benefits and consequences. She wondered just what the consequences would be if they were to say no... As she continued to listen, she was thinking about it, occasionally throwing glances toward everyone on the team except Eiji in that moment. She excluded him simply if he remained behind her and had not joined their circle, otherwise she'd have given him a few obligatory glances as well. She really felt no need to include him and would only do so if he joined them out of obligation that he was a part of the team.

Her face scrunched uncomfortably at the sight of the man's scythe, and she had a hard time appreciating the beauty of it with such an uncomfortable feeling among her body because of the... whatever it was, that appeared with it. The pressure and the whispers- for a long enough period it could drive her insane. Did he hear them all the time? Maybe that was why he was crazy. The chips were down in this gamble, as he had referred to Kirinji as his gambling partner several times, and after her last glance at her blue haired teammate, she exhaled slowly and rubbed the side of her jaw with her soft fingers while tilting her head to the side and looking up.

"That's quite a tall request. I have a couple of questions if you wouldn't mind answering them, before we decide. I'm sure you understand the necessity of information when making a decision that big. This is more than gambling- this could be a hinderance to our mission or our lives. I've no doubt you aren't out to get us killed or in trouble, but none the less..." Kasami crossed her arms over her chest and swayed to stand a little closer to Ko, merely shifting her weight on her other foot. "At present with what we've been told, the monks are out of their heads, which leads me to believe the only position you could take is of someone with sound mind... It stands to reason there is either someone unaffected within the monastery or you aim to place yourself in the position of the one responsible. That's simply a quick assessment of it though." She had more questions, but she held off not wanting to overload him all at once or leave someone on her team out of the decision-making process. They likely had questions of their own.


Kirinji was happy that the Kaptain had accepted the sealing tags from him. It was noticeable in the moment that when they had been offered the Kaptain was in the process of planning, but Kirinji’s hand remained there occupying the space until they had been taken. Not long after the Kaptain held out his fist and the other Kappas in the vicinity followed with a salute. A rhythmic sound erupted as they beat their chest over their heart in complete synchronization. Kirinji could only attribute this as a call for battle or a call for preparation. It truly was intriguing to see the culture and customs of another intelligent species.

With a smile the blue-haired man jumped down from the rooftop and landed onto the ground. The energy of the Merchant was unique to him because he had not encountered someone that was similar to him. Not only that, but that odd fascination or bond that they created off a simple gamble was also strange in a worrisome way. Kirinji took notice that the man had not answered his question as he simply adjusted the hat upon his silver hair. As Kirinji stood there, he followed the eyes of the Merchant who was now staring at Misaho, who had just gone done exchanging glances of comfort. Kirinji was positioned near the group nor was he positioned on the direct opposite side. He had positioned himself in a manner that would “surround” the Merchant as a precaution. Kirinji’s eyes rolled over to Ko as he spoke and immediately the blue-haired Uchiha coursed Yang through his body to create a mental fortitude blocking the Merchant from peering into his mind.

Kirinji would not have an external reaction to the parlor trick Ko had unveiled. In fact his golden eyes only reverted back onto the Merchant to see his reaction. Ironically enough, the Merchant’s reaction was to see their reaction. He only shrugged it off as he did not care and even mentioned that it wasn’t exactly the case. Suddenly he allowed for the bag to hit the ground and the sheer impact caused an upsweep of dust while also making the ground tremble. Kirinji inhaled deeply in the moment and exhaled as he let out a gust of wind powerful enough to completely clear the dust before it could block his vision of the Merchant. His attention once again on the newest member of their team as he spoke with a tongue as silver as his hair. This was more than likely to garner some sort of trust between him and Misaho. Kirinji wondered if it would work as the Merchant handed her a pair of weaponized fans. Beautiful in color yet carried the potential to be devastatingly dangerous in the right hands. With it came interesting commentary about her eyes. Was he trying to rattle her or had he read her mind? Her memories?

Soon after the puppet had returned and the Merchant clapped in amusement. Kirinji only rolled his eyes at the continued cowardice of the boy. It was the mannerism of the Merchant that was really ambiguous to Kirinji. The way he spoke, carried himself, even the words that were being used was all very off-setting. “gripped onto him” as if it were some sort of disease. Just as he finished the Merchant took one step forward towards the puppet as he clenched his fist. The area around them began to become blanketed in an inky, blank cloud. The darkness drowned out the light as he looked around and as he did, there was an odd feeling that he felt in his stomach. Like a pit and suddenly his body began to feel a sense of soreness even though moments ago he was not. Within the darkness he heard whispers. “What.. is this?” Kirinji spoke out loud in curiosity. The foreign sounds were loud enough to be heard, but quiet enough to not be made out. The relic glanced around at the others to see if they were experiencing the same things as him. They were not. Only Kasami was, who he would’ve locked eyes with when they were both glancing around.

The black cloud coiled around the puppet, consuming the entirety of it before dissipating only to reveal the boy before them. Kirinji chuckled briefly at the irony. The boy behind the curtain now forced to be the center of attention. The Merchant opened his clenched fist and pushed the shadows down into the ground as the light shined upon them once again. Kirinji’s eyes focussed on the Merchant once again as he spoke to the young boy. The Merchant was correct about the one thing the boy had been consistent about. When he had first met him, the boy was running from things that no one could verify. Then disappearing and only arriving at the Lucky Tiger Casino beaten badly. Along the way, the boy had made potentially costly mistakes. First was the dangerous ice attack he had shot toward the man they were aiming to subdue. Then again he had allowed for himself to be easily captured inside the temple which resulted in Kirinji having to fight himself and his arm being broken. This entire trip, the boy had hid himself in places where he would not be at the forefront and instead in the safest location. Kirinji didn’t trust him one bit. He had not earned it. In reality, the child should be disposed of as a precaution. Many times these are the type of people who stab you in your back. But for now he did nothing, but stare at him with an undeniable coldness.

Had it not been for what the Merchant had said, Kirinji would’ve continued to stare at the boy to see. Kirinji was caught off guard and this was shown visually as well, but he did not interject or say anything. He merely listened to what the man was saying and all it generated were a ton of questions. At the end the Merchant made a remark about gambling in the future. Way back when he had originally mentioned that, Kirinji had no idea they would be gambling at such stakes. There were simply too many unknowns. The hat went back upon his head and his palmed opened wide, suffocating the area in that same darkness as he once again heard whispers he could not make out. From it materialized a rather unique staff with a skeleton made of obsidian on the top of the staff. With one glance he recognized it from the nightmare he had. It was the same scythe. The Merchant struck it down into the ground as a fuinjutsu formula of foreign design appeared. The Uchiha’s eyes quickly glanced over it with great haste as he took a step back to ensure he was not in the formula. He couldn’t make it out because he had not seen anything like it. But he was shifting through the patterns of the formula to see if there was anything. With a smirk the Merchant spoke again and Kirinji’s eyes were once again on him as he awaited their response.

“Yeah,” Kirinji spoke as he added on to what Kasami had been saying. “And what little game are you talking about?” The way the word little rolled off his Kirinji’s tongue was very specific. As if he was wondering what they were tasked with was even the bigger picture. “I’m sure you’re aware and you’ve either seen or been in situations such as this. But it’s a tough task. It honestly is. We have our own mission that is inside the Monastery and you’re asking us if you can tag along, or replace a spot, when we don’t even know whether or not you are with us or against us. Or, more importantly, what you want from inside the Monastery.” There was a reaction on Kirinji’s face as he realized something. “In fact, we don’t even know your name.” Kirinji laughed throughout the last bit as he watched to see the Merchant’s reaction. It was a lie, but the others would not know of that. He was merely testing to see whether or not the Merchant would lie to him. Would he avoid it entirely? Or would he be straight with them and answer their questions? Potentially putting an end to his parlor tricks and showcasing his desperation? “With all that being said. I ask you. In your position, with that many unknown variables, would you agree?” It was very clear what the group wanted. It was also very clear what could ameliorate the hesitation. It was answers.


New member
Always the same, every team, everyone who looks at him. It was always the same and it refused to change. Eiji could feel the disappointment and negative stares coming from his teammates through Imperious. It always irritated him and bugged him, everyone always assumed what he was doing, why he was doing it, how he felt, and what he would do. No one ever asked, no one ever sought to understand Eiji more than the basics that they saw. He never felt safe near others, for this reason, he never felt he could confide in anyone else but himself because of how people looked at him, treated him, etc. He always felt alone but something was different now... Something had changed and that was Imperious, it kept him company though it poked fun at him, he always felt it had his back but that wasn't as important as what would happen when the Merchant approached Imperious.

Before his "team" or the merchant himself responded to Eiji's stream of questions, the entire area was pulled into a massive shadow. The shadow engulfed the group and within the shadows, it was creepy black darkness that seemed to pull or put in another way seemed to shift Imperious and Eiji with one another. Now as the shadows shifted back towards the merchant descending back into where they came from. The moment Eiji was looking through his own eyes not through Imperious at the others and at the Merchant, he began to freak out panicking as he began to touch over his body and look through Imperious' eyes to see the tea shop. He looked more startled and afraid than he had ever looked except after seeing the carnage at Kagane village.

He looked around as the merchant asked his question in retort to Eiji, the mocking tone behind it not only irritated Eiji but also made him think harder about everything here. The powerlessness he felt just now, the fact that rather than anyone checking on him to make sure he was okay. He looked at the merchant whom before Eiji could even state his response and ask more questions set an offer down on the table so to speak. The next thing to happen was the final straw for Eiji as the group ignored Eiji and began to try to get answers out of the merchant. In his mind, in his heart, Eiji knew that it would be better to separate from them. To go back and seek out training, aid, or anything else he can get back at Mebu castle. He wasn't safe with this team, they did not trust him, and they did not even seem to care about him. Now instead of trying to state his opinion or throw out any questions, Eiji would just listen and hear everything. If they wanted his opinion he would give it but otherwise, he would seek a safe way back and seek to better himself. This way they had no dead weight and he was no longer someone who was in the way or ignored.




"Born to blossom, bloom to perish"-不幸の放浪者

There was no telling what would follow after the appearance of the merchant. Misaho couldn’t ignore the uneasiness she felt from within just from this moment alone. Even from the moment, she exchanged glances of confirming comfort towards Kasami she felt a pair of eyes staring at her to the point it disturbed her comfort. The eyes of the merchant were upon her, she could see the curiosity in his face but there wasn’t a word that escaped from the man. She too glanced back a few moments in curiosity but mostly because she wondered what was going through the merchant's head. But her eyes wandered off to Ko who was glaring at the merchant in discomfort, this didn’t exactly ease Misaho’s worries, especially after Ko’s reveal about the Merchants abilities. It appeared to be that the merchant could read minds or see memories and judging from the reaction of the silver-haired man with the way he shrugged and looked around himself at everyone kind of confirmed it for her that Ko’s reveal was somewhat correct. Although the man claimed that it wasn’t as easy as Ko made it out to be, things were more complex. The strongest emotions were discomfort but also curiosity, who was this man? And what could he do? Was he truly as intimidating as he came across for Misaho? She really didn’t wanna find out. Especially after he put down the bag he carried with himself that landed on the floor with a great impact to set the grounds to tremble.

Then again, she had another exchange of looks with the mysterious merchant but only this time it didn’t stay with a silent stare. He made his way of trying to attract a new customer, as he spoke about that he wanted to hand her a gift most likely to welcome her into his shop more often after. The young woman tilted her head slightly in wonder as she followed the movements of the man where he easily pulled onto his bag with no sense of tension, searched around, and then drew something from the bag. The item he drew from the bag was then gestured towards her as the item was a pair of fans but they weren’t any plain or ordinary fans. They looked expensive as the spines were off a deep sapphire with a lavender body and the tips crafted into sharp daggers, they were honestly beautiful and she couldn’t help but stare at them in awe for a few moments. It was then that she looked around her as if to search for confirmation that it was okay to accept the gift or not.

However, after some time she calmly raised her arms forwards to reach out to the fans. She then would place her hands on the handles of the fans to receive them but within that same moment, the merchant spoke to her once more. His words felt like a sharp sting, as they only recalled her haunting memories only for a few seconds with the mention of the similarity of eyes she had with him. Just for a few seconds, her once glassy eyes had darkened. The merchant had definitely noticed her change of emotions of her and so would anyone else if they were to closely pay attention to her eyes. One could see the pain in her eyes. It was only for a brief moment though, a short breakage of character one would say because when she parted her lips to say the following she was back to her neutral state.”...I guess we’ll see within time. Thank you for the gift.”

With that, she smiled softly at him for a few seconds as if to thank him once more. But the smile wasn’t completely genuine, it was more of a mask to drown out any occurring memories in the next moments. She took the gift and remained silent as she listened to the exchanges between the merchant and Eiji. It was at this moment that Eiji had returned through Imperious and questioned what was going on. The silver-haired merchant's demeanor seemed to change like the weather as the whole area around them seemed to lose its color and darken because of the cloud they were surrounded by. Then the puppet would fade into the darkest cloud and Eiji would emerge from it, as the two apparently swapped places as if it was a magic trick. The merchant never answered any of the questions but redirected them towards Eiji instead. The last remark he made was something Misaho wondered herself too, why was he all on his own? A few weeks back, it’s something she did too. But it was never a choice, she did it to survive not because she really wanted to. Once more she had wondered what all of them had gone through together to understand why things were the way they were, why some were closer than others. And why some only cared about the goals rather than the teams. It seemed that every member looked at the team differently.

And now the merchant had come to them to reveal he wanted the inside of the Monastery. But he was pretty vague about it and the consequences of him joining in were. Misaho at first remained silent, she only seemed to be nodding slightly at the questions and remarks of her two teammates who too, found the merchant's request too vague and risky.”Exactly” She agreed with them, finding their mistrust valid as she too did not necessarily trust to make any type of decision with so many missing information and details from the man.”I obviously know the least of you because we just met. Will you replacing that very person inside benefit us or will it put us in danger? So far there are more negatives to this request than anything positive. We don’t know what we’re gambling for either.”



Staff member
He looked amongst them as the dark material surrounded in all around them and when that had happened he noticed of everyone in the group - Kirinji seemed to be showing the most evident signs of cognitive calculation within the vicinity. Kasami had as well, however the way that she displayed it was closer to her typical baseline for being in a state of confusion anyway - but the eye contact of the two told in apparent capacity that this was more then simple confusion or bewilderment. He took note of that...as it was a matter that was interesting to him and something that he felt was enough of an outlier that he would need to keep track of that per the moment. As for what was transpiring in the present - Eiji had been utterly diffused, something that he didnt need to dive into the man's brain to understand or decipher at all and reasonably so. The fragility of understanding between him and his team was a crack in the shield of it's heart that could be, would be, and little did they know had been easily exploited and eroded - as to widen a gap straight to the meaty delicate tissue. As he saw the man collapse into reclusion among them he shook his head with a light scoff - though as to them it would be unknown exactly why it was he did this, the apparent and most likely accurate reasoning would be disappointment. Though they may be shocked as to what. Meanwhile - when the exchange of glance between Misaho and the merchant transpired and their hands were connected by the fan being exchanged between them...he could tell the story in her pain and much much more just from that moment. The ever slight nuance in which her eyes betray her lightly stoic nature spoke to him much louder then the social cordiality that she showed in her words, and his smile was subtle but evident at this. Then came the matter of his offer. This brought the most amusement to the merchant though he tried to maintain a level of social appropriateness when the discussion happened. He looked between the three of them, that was all that he needed to seeing that despite Kasami's ocular attention to the man he had seemed to given in to simply being excluded...though on the outside it had seemed that he had given up mainly on himself. The three spoke in echos. Reverberations of the same worry and same concerns and to the merchant? That concern in its very nature was utterly glib. He started to fold his arms, tucking his hands in the mirroring sleeves of one another as he curiously looked at the scythe as it sat upon the fuinjutsu and seemed to turn - almost as if a clock, just a single miniature notch in the grand scheme of things. He smirked - and then looked back between the three: "Games, gambling - come now these questions are a bit rudimentary at this point aren't they? Save for your newest companion here, you should know these answers. Risks? Knowing, not knowing. It's all the same - the moment that monstrosity brought you all to Naraka you were already playing a game. Already chips to be gambled with. You've been gambling with every breath you take here. Heh, and if I being against you all were to be the case - don't you think we wouldnt be speaking so cordially here in the current now would we? You see. Every day of our lives - we spin the wheel of fate and hope to whatever gods we pray to that it favors us if only for a moment. What I'm telling you right now - is I'm giving you the chance to choose.

The Devil that you know.
The Devil that you dont.

In fact, I'm feeling generous today - seems I'm giving door-buster bonuses on all my finest products right now. An "introductory" grace we'll call it. This time, and this time only - I'll give you a glimpse at your option. I don't need to divine over the wheel at this moment anyway - I already cast my eye over your futures before I got here. Although...as you all should know. Futures are quite fluid. Any small choice can change the flow of it's stream. At current? Your stream is on course to flow into that of Eien - the eternal hell murderer. With the exception of Misaho, you've made his
acquaintance before though it was under rather unsavory means. The service I offer you - is to change your fate. Should you agree? I will alter the flow of fate and have him sent somewhere else entirely. And where your fate would have saw to it you make your journey forward with him at your side. It will instead be with me. Should you refuse? Heh - then you can gamble your trust and lives with the gentleman known for dragging combatants literally through the gates of hell. That is all, as I said - the devil you know. Or the devil you don't. As for my reasons? They are my own. Perhaps there's something there I want but Unmei holds me back. Perhaps it's keeping me from otherwise helping you without your consent. Or maybe I just have a very big problem with allowing my life and that of those around me to lay in the hands of beings that otherwise would care nothing for us. The conjecture is your own. Buuuuut~ (he hummed in a sing-song tune) ♫I cant exactly hold this door for long~♫. (he looked over at Kirinji, having not forgotten about the fact that he mentioned not even knowing his name. He smiled wide - not in maliciousness or even condescending joking but a legitimate warm smile that seemed deliberate...and oddly as if his next words held some means of importance:

"Ah - but here in Naraka those who have proven themselves the precipice of Shinobi have a saying.

I'am like you. I have no name."


Staff member
A game. Chips to be gambled with. As much as she hated that kind of talk, the merchant was right. It was a running theme for them here. Risk and reward, gambles- it was tiring, but it was their situation. To fight against that would be pointless, so all they could do is play the game too, and try to be the best pawns they could be. Kasami stood there and listened quietly and the expression on her face could easily be mistaken for lack of interest, but she was actually deep in thought. Still, as always she was soaking everything in- even the merchant’s expression with what was happening with Eiji. Not knowing what he was disappointed in made her question if it was them as opposed to the boy that had given up. All things considered- she was disappointed too. A large portion of it did fall on Eiji’s shoulders, but she found herself laying some on her own as well. There were times where she could have been better, done more, or offered her teammate more help. She’d always tried to protect him, on several occasions. Undoing mistakes he’d made. Sure, she was skeptical of him sometimes and her scrutiny got the best of her, but the kid did act off his rocker sometimes.

The kunoichi let out a deep breath and closed her eyes, stuffing her hands into the pockets on her haori. “To be fair, we don’t know all that much about Eien or you, but you at least haven’t tried to kill us.” Yet. What happened with Eien seemed more like a sibling rivalry kind of thing too, now that she remembered Ikki called him brother, but that was never confirmed. He could have wanted them dead regardless. “I’m fine with you coming with. You’re right, we’re always taking risks here.” Kasami glanced at Eiji for just a moment, and as fleeting as it was, the pain was in her eyes. Her jaw was tense. She had hoped he’d be different. Even though when he displayed so much similar to her former teammate when she’d met him, she’d wanted him to prove her wrong. He looked like he was ready to run, just like they had, but this time she wouldn’t be alone. She had Kirinji and Misaho, but most importantly she had Ko. If the others failed her too, at least she knew he wouldn’t. “Anyway, there’s my vote. What about you guys?” She looked at her team curiously.

In her mind she was replaying all of the moments that had made her question Eiji and his motives, and all of the ones where she had cared. They hadn’t had much time together, but she had tried her best…. She tried her best, right? No, she couldn’t have tried that hard if she’d failed. In the end this was just like before. Standing on the path toward a threat alone, and that was how she had to look at it if she wanted to survive. Kirinji and Misaho weren’t people she should rely on, even if she could. She had to get stronger, strong enough to make it if she was alone, or she wouldn’t make it out of this alive either.


To describe him as disappointed would be an understatement. Watching the young boy react in the method he did left a taste of disgust in his mouth. It was aggravating to watch as the young within the group put their lives at risk while Eiji hid in the safest of locations on each path they took, each hallway they walked, and each encounter they fought against. What set him off even more was not the fact that it would be putting Kirinji life at risk, he’d done that countless times, but the fact that the others were just as young yet ready to lay their lives down for the cause. Did Eiji ever once show this resolve or had he always cowered into the shadows? To call him a Shinobi would be disgraceful to all the shinobi in the world, current and past. These reactions were not of a shinobi or someone you could rely in a war. It was the actions of someone caught by surprise with their pants down. Something had to be done or else he could cost them their lives.

What the Merchant and Kasami said was true. They were consistently taking risks and at least this time it would be with some known variables outside of completely being in the dark. One way or another, it was a tough choice. Kasami had surprisingly made up her mind and Kirinji only nodded his head in agreement after she had asked their opinions. Though it was intriguing how the Merchant had the option to change the flow of fate. It reminded him of the story of the Three Fates, three goddesses that determined a humans trajectory of destiny. One spun the thread of human destiny, one dispensed it, and the other cut the thread. Kirinji took a good, long look at the Merchant again. Could it be that this man was the embodiment of one of them or even all of them? It couldn’t be more than a myth.. but then again .. a lot that is believed to be merely a fable has come into fruition before them.
As soon as he had glanced at the Merchant, he’d make his way to Eiji. A gentle hand placed on the boy’s shoulder as he spoke to him in a light tone and in a whisper so others would not hear unless they came closer. The way he talked, it seemed as if he actually cared for the boy. “Eiji, I think it would be best for you to go back to Mebu Castle.” He said with a sigh, “These past few encounters have showed that you aren’t ready for this journey and as much as I hate to say it, you’ll only serve as a liability to the others. It’s only going to become tougher the more we travel. If you want, I can take you there immediately. What do you say?” The blue haired man waited for the young man’s response with a warm smile in a way signifying that he was there for him and that there was no shame in going back. In fact, he’d even let him because he had shown not to be great at social clues. “There is no shame in going back when the lives of multiple are at risk with your presence.”


New member
It had been a long time coming, it always came, and nothing ever changed for the situation that would occur. Mistrust, dissatisfaction, disloyalty, etc all these things always stalked Eiji. No matter the team or group of people around him, he was never good enough. This again was pointed out by Kirinji while the rest of the team seemed to ignore his existence to some extent. Funny that everyone expected him to be as strong as someone like Ko, Kirinji, or Ikki. It always felt like people expected more out of him, expected him to fight their way, to be someone who he isn't. He hated life, people, and shinobi as well. Team 3 was just another nail into the very tightly closed coffin he was basically born in. When Kirinji placed his hand upon Eiji, the young man did not need to hear anything.

Eiji would remove Kirinji's hand from his shoulder before Kirinji could say a word, "I'll be out of your hair don't worry no need to say anything..." As he said this Eiji turned away from the group sighing a bit as he began to think of how to get back to Mebu castle safely. It would be dangerous and hard with the witch of the forest behind them. As always he was on his own, he wasn't sure he would survive but that never mattered. Usually, he either survived through sneaky tactics or dumb luck. This time would more than likely be no different. He would start to head back towards the village to Rendevous with Imperious before figuring out which way he would go or even could go from here. He would leave without saying anything more or dragging the team down or holding them back in any way. This would be for the best for everyone or at least that's what he was told and what he always believed as he never thought or even hoped anyone would actually care for him.




"Born to blossom, bloom to perish"-不幸の放浪者

Her eyes wandered around the group, to Misaho all of this was way too much to take in and unpack. Most of the time as they conversed she barely had any idea of what they were talking about and so all she did what nod her head and followed as they led the way. She went by the promise she made with another, the very person who brought her in as a chance to redeem herself and unshackle her imaginary chains on the road of misery she was on. The very same chains she felt suffocating her for years kept her living as she did. And now where was she? A place she had never heard of before as a newly unlocked character in the game that was played. Who’s game was this? And who was she gonna be in this game? These people partly knew what to expect of this place, the risk it brought from the moment they set foot here. That there wouldn’t be a difference between knowing or not knowing what enemy would be sent your way. It wasn’t any less of a threat no matter the creature they would face or the situation they were in. Things were simply not as easy as in the waking world. And here she was worried about any sense of danger when this whole journey was nothing but danger. Did any of that even matter? The merchant had a point and if he were to be an enemy, she doubt she would be breathing at this moment.

And it seemed that there would be a player that would be shifted from the gameboard into a new position. Although Misaho had assumed that the relations between her teammates were too different she hadn’t realized how bad their trust towards one another was. Their trust in Eiji and Eiji’s trust towards them was shattered to the point where there wasn’t even an ounce of it left. She wasn’t aware of what they’ve been through because she wasn’t there for it. She honestly knew nothing about anyone and there barely was any time for it because of the mission. Who knew if there would be time for that in the future and she honestly didn’t beg on it. Unlike the rest, she felt no disappointment, sadness, or anger for Eiji. But she could feel the intensity of all their feelings right now as they were out in the open. Especially with the way Kirinji had approached him with Eiji not even making an effort to hear him out and leaving the group without looking back at them. It seemed that the boy had a lot he carried with him, a lot no one seemed to know but himself… perhaps not even himself from what the merchant has told us about him. To Misaho, it seemed like he had a lot of stuff to work out. And that he had to find his place where he fit, one where he was to be trusted. But these things were easily hoped for and said, trust wasn’t something to be just given to someone. At least that’s how the young woman saw it. But it was evident that this would not be his place or team of comfort.

Nothing about this so far was comforting, she doubted if there was a thing of comfort. Would any of them ever find it? Had they found comfort in the situation they’re in? The young kunoichi sure as hell hadn’t and didn’t believe to find it any time soon as this was only the start of the journey. And now with the following offer of the cordial merchant things would only become more tough and difficult from here on as he wanted to change their flow of fate. And that only to switch spots with the eternal hell murderer, another individual she hadn’t had the chance of meeting or ever hearing about. So far the indigo-haired woman had remained mute as she only watched how the others had been reacting to each other and listened to the words of the silver-haired man. Kasami actually agreed with the man and confirmed she was up for his offer. Now with Misaho it barely made a difference for her, she didn’t care who in the end would be there because she already accepted that they weren’t gonna be easy to deal with. “If there are only options for risks it doesn’t really make a difference. I don’t mind him coming with us.”With that, she shrugged as she looked at the remaining teammates who hadn’t shared how they felt, although she believed because they were experienced individuals that they probably felt the same as how Kasami was feeling.
