In that precise moment when Kirinji passed Kasami - had he payed close attention it would be as if someone else had passed him on the opposite side and blew at his ear just a bit. It could have been nothing - and the man very likely would have proceeded off to the Kaptain in the street, but for the briefest of moments it was there. Everyone else made their stop inside - sorting supplies and the like and while they did Ko remained behind after tossing Kirinji the scroll and took account of everything being sorted and the clean up afterwards - taking the spare grappling hook left behind by Misaho as well as his own supplies and the last on the off chance the remainders denied carrying their own. All the while when everyone else went out Ko stood there a moment with grappling hooks in hand and it was as if he was gazing at them in mischievous contemplation. Not helping but wonder what it would be like to use them as a conduit for his flames and dual wield the hooks as hellacious claws. It was an ironic thought really, thinking if the last person that Kirinji knew to be host to the bird, but one that regardless had naturally populated his mind. Once they sorted he too would walk out - hands in pockets looking around calmly at first till Kasami made mention at his eyes. His expression seemed cluelessly shocked, high-brow as he looked over at Misaho who he noticed from his peripheral onlooking as if to ask for clarification that this wasnt a joke or anything of the sort. Gripping his face with a repugnant expression as he drug his fingers down his face and pulled his eye lid open he couldn't help but think: 'Fuck, she decided to change my eye color too?' as he cleared his throat and replied: "Eh - old color was boring anyway I guess." trying to pay no mind to it as if he didnt have a concern or to deter everyone else from worrying of the matter. Their mind were to be on more important things. He'd a feeling that village had a story to it...a dark one that he really wasnt looking forward to. For some reason, he looked at the village and couldnt help but get the same feeling as if he was looking at Kagane again. His glance cast over to Kirinji, who by now had closed the gap between him and the Kappa.
He'd mentioned that they had been sent by Izanagi on a recovery mission. The captain looked at him - having kept his eye on their group the moment they had arrived here especially so after being informed of their particular form of identification. When Kirinji finally started to exchange dialogue with him, despite the expressionless visage of the armor-like scales on his face the Kappa was evidently in thought, scrutinizing him almost as if he had expected something else. He too - was trying to pull together information about the situation and gain a grasp on what happened - and just as his thoughts were aligning to ask if the dragon had sent them for a particular reason or information he beat him to the punch. Curiosity colliding. "I was just looking to ask you the same thing. Hate to disappoint you emissary of the Dragon, but I'm afraid we're as clueless as you." -he paused- "Perhaps. Not as clueless. I'am Toki Toki. The commanding officer here. Our forests have been plagued with screams, death, explosions and burning to such a degree that the Kappa could no longer stand by. Our first matter to attend to, was the youngest of the blaspheming sisters you had the displeasure of meeting. You see, she has been killing indiscriminately. Upsetting the peace of the forest. Spreading Black Hadou throughout and upsetting the harmony. We sensed a deep corruption in the forest and sought to remove her to remedy it. Though before you met us, we had meant to set up here and combine our efforts with the Senpu monks here in the village. Hm...but when we arrived - they were all either gone, or leaving for the Monastery. They seemed to be in some sort of trance - even so far as to leave behind their women and young. Fret not about them however, we've since moved them to our own village where they will ne cared for until we figure out what exactly is going on. For now? We hold this village as a bulkhead checkpoint to launch our attacks against the Spider-Witch and gather as much intel about the Senpu temple as possible. Which, if I know the Dragon - I would assume this recovery mission you speak of has something to do with whats going on at Senpu Monastery."
He took from the conversation and looked over at the map they had posted to the front stair-post of a near home beside him. The map that he had there was identical to the map that Kirinji would have found inside the deaddrop save for the fact that there were two spots that had been marked with red X's on the map. The map depicted the village they stood in at current, then - to the north was two paths. Going out the main gate to the north they would find themselves on a serpentine path upwards towards the
monastery. This lead to only one stop before getting to the main clearing leading to the monastery - and that was the Gate Temple just before that, leaving a good mile and half of hillside before getting to the monastery itself. One of the X's was at that gate temple, and the other was at the Monastery - however it hung off to the far left of the front entrance inside, high up and hugging the cliffside that met at that point where the monastery was built into. "We sent one of our best scouts up ahead. Making sure the path was clear. Originally we sent a team, however they were only able to get to this first stamp before things took an unpleasant turn. Leading up to the gate temple is clear but once beyond that point - the Senpu monks seem to be patrolling the area in trance. From what we have seen, they have met any outside force with extreme violence and refuse to even so much as acknowledge dialogue. We lost two of our three scout team up there. Once leaving the Gate Temple, you will be in their territory. However, our scout was able to carve a path to the west - and found an opening through which entry can be taken into the monastery on the second floor. If you want an advantage and quicker in to the monastery - that would be your best bet; though I will warn. I have yet to send any of my men in for good reason. Not only is the affairs of humans none of our concern, but there is no telling what you will encounter once in. At least from the entrance, you and yours will have distance to address and access what you're moving up against. Starting at the upper floor could put you in the thick of the unknown. We shall remain here but a while longer, to see how far our men against the likes of the Spider-witch in the forest- but if you have any questions for Toki-Toki you should ask now. Depending on their outcome we may have to return to the village for medical and resupply. But our wardings on the southern boundary of the village should keep her at bay regardless. Besides...I hear you all left enough of an impression, she'd not come running very soon."
As he said this, the few Kappa that had been there situated around the Captain seemed to be sorting themselves up for just that. A few coming from seated positions on the rooftops to stand and adjust their attire as if readying for travel and the others simply remaining there. He spoke curtly - and for the most part some may wonder why it would be that the leader of what could be perceived as an opposite or otherwise indifferent militant force would divulge such information in such an expeditious way without any offer to themselves, then it could be seen plain in who they were and the manner they were undeterred by presence of the group nor the spider-woman to the south that their convictions lie in something else entirely, and the matter of the Senpu monks and everything else was simply in their way. They had wanted to bring balance back to their forest and to their deduction at the current the Spider had been the primary cause for this disruption in the first place; they cared for nothing more then her death and the quicker and more accurate they provide this information and aid the group along their way - the quicker they can refocus and get back to exacting their adjudication. This would have given the group a lot to think on, and all the while as Kirinji was there speaking with him Ko was just standing a bit further back from the conversation down the road. He could hear them just fine from the position he was in at current, especially now - and he did not want to sacrifice being included in conversation for potentially making the grouping of Kappa feel imposed upon or worse. He tried to look about to make it plain that he wasnt simply minding them, and in that moment he caught movement out of the corner of his eye. Something black, trailed by a silver tail of some sort...but it seemed familiar in some kind of way. Soon - Ko would walk off from the group moving towards the north gate to the village around the houses that were blocking everyone elses view of where he was going. And once his form went out of their line of sight if one listened well enough they would hear the confused:
"You? I-....I guess I shouldnt be surprised but..."