Kasami’s expression darkened at the mention of something happening, shifting in discomfort on her feet as she crossed her arms and gripped her elbows. Her gaze drifted away from everyone toward nothing of relevance, keeping her thoughts on track from veering toward what the Burning Dawn had done to Kagane. She was still paying attention to everything else that followed, but her main focus had turned to the first thing that she saw when she turned her head. The usual distraction followed. The blade of grass turned to thinking of other things, one by one, and always consciously avoiding any thought or word that could diverge to Kagane without directly facing the subject. A blade of grass, a field, flowers, the Forest of Death, the bamboo forest, cranes, her mother, and her thoughts finally moved from Naraka entirely on to Konoha. Her favorite pastime, the tea shop, and the lake that she loved visiting. Her shoulders relaxed after the pink haired woman had finished speaking, and with a blink to clear her eyes from the shakiness that staring at the same thing had caused, she finally looked back toward the shrine.
All the while she heard and, not consciously, processed the words Sakuya was saying. Jinsei- she felt guilty for forgetting about him. Kasami did care about that, but it had already been done, and her concern following that was how Kiyoshi would react toward Ko rather than what had happened. The law of Kagetsuchi, the name of this village, and about Genichiro. This didn’t seem like her type of place to be. Making sport of criminals was... something she had mixed feelings about. Depending on the level of crime, she didn’t feel that there was any harm done to that. On the off hand, they were people too, and if they hadn’t done anything severely wrong she hoped that wouldn’t put them in an arena to be used as entertainment.
Sakuya invited them to walk with her, but with flowers in hand Kasami made her way up the stairs to place them on the shrine. She hadn’t intended to take longer than a second, to kneel and give a small prayer and blessing, but as she started to kneel her attention was snagged by something else. A scroll was sitting among the offerings, old yet well kept in its condition. She remembered the scroll that Kirinji had when she met with him in the village, and remembered that he said it felt incomplete. It was definitely a stretch, but maybe this could be useful even if it wasn’t what he needed. She looked over her shoulder at him, nodding toward the shrine though he was surely already approaching as he’d gotten flowers as well. If he wasn’t approaching and he was still standing at the bottom of the steps or starting to leave with Sakuya, she’d clear her throat. ”Don’t forget your offering.” The insistence in her voice was subtle. If he left anyway or didn’t hear her, she’d just huff and pick the scroll up herself, bowing to the shrine with a small apology under her breath before following them. It was bad karma and bad practice to take offerings off someone’s shrine, but if it was important to their mission then she would do it. She’d still try to get Kirinji to do it himself before she had to though, just not wanting that juju on her person.